Monday, December 10, 2012

Happy National Lager Day!

Celebrate National Lager Day today Monday December 10, 2012 with your favorite lager.  Lagers are by far the most consumed type of beer in the United States.

Lager are not just the classic clear, light refreshing pilsners-type beers you may first think of.  Lagers represent a large variety of styles including those lights (i.e Miller High Life) all the way to the darker bocks (i.e Spaten Optimator). 

All lagers are fermented for longer aging times than "ales" and at lower temperatures which help create cleaner, fresher tastes for the palate.  (Lagers were accidentally created by Bavarian brewers who were trying to ferment their beer during lower winter temperatures).

Up until the late 1980s most Lagers brewed in the US were of the pilsner variety and it was difficult to find any full flavored lagers out there.  The original Samuel Adams Boston Lager was one of the first full bodied lagers to become popular and widely accepted.

Do your part to support National Lager Day.

Chin chin!
David Ruiz is a Sales & Marketing pro who is unnaturally obsessed with good beer.  Contact him at

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