Monday, May 27, 2013

Kona Brewing Company 

Longboard Island Lager

Appearance: A golden straw color, almost milky appearance,  Not exactly the typical lager appearance.  It has a thick frothy looking white head. 

Nose: smells heavy of grain malt and light hops. 

Taste: Deep maltiness at the start. Some doughy-biscuit aspects.  Hint of sweetness.  Followed by a nice fresh bitter finish.  Enjoyable crisp, clean ending. 

Drinkability: Definitely drinkable, but not your typical Lager. 

Overall: An ‘above-average’ lager that is thankfully different than most.

Serving Type-bottle

Chin chin!
David Ruiz is a Sales & Marketing pro who is unnaturally obsessed with good beer.  Contact him at

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Leinenkugel's Canoe Paddler Tasted

Kolsch style beer (at least that's what the bottle says)

Poured pale clear straw-ish color. Head dissipated rapidly.

Smelled of citrus almost fruity, which is not what I expected from a Kolsch style brew. 

Very easy on the pallet, crisp and light with a dry fruity tang to the finish.  Unfortunately not a hint of the traditional Kolsch rye flavors.  Fruit flavors are the clear winners here. 

A very refreshing balanced beer and very drinkable, but I honestly would be hard pressed to identify this beer as a Kolsch especially in a blind taste. 

Overall a decent beer but the weakest Kolsch I've tasted.

Serving type: bottle

Chin chin!
David Ruiz is a Sales & Marketing pro who is unnaturally obsessed with good beer.  Contact him at