Flying Dog Snake Dog IPA
Appearance: Poured in a traditional pint glass. Light copper hue, clear, nice sized head somewhat off white, creamy and thickr than expected. Quickly fading head, but nice lacing on the glass.
Nose: Classic piney hoppy nose, but not overwhelming. Hints of floral, citrus and some type of herbal sents.
Taste: Toasted malty start that quickly changes to a strengthening dose of fresh hopiness, short burst of bitterness follows, was hoping for more. Injection of a faint sweetness of the fruity type and eventually reverts back to bittery hoppy ending. The finish was enjoyable almost pleasant with a clingy bitterness that lingered with a touch of sweet caramel.
Drinkability: Medium smooth body
Overall: This IPA is very enjoyable, very good. Nicely crafted with a refreshing and satisfying, lasting impression. Sure, I'll have another.
Serving type: bottle
Chin chin!
David Ruiz is a Sales Management & Marketing pro who is unnaturally obsessed with good beer. Contact him at